43 #include <avr/pgmspace.h> 79 switch (subMenuSelection)
void UserInterfaceLcdProgramSet0(menuSet0_t subMenuSelection)
Write on LCD "PrSe0" (set time to midnight).
A struct with hour and minute.
void UserInterfaceLcdProgramPulseWidth(uint8_t pulseWidth)
Write on LCD "PrPub" (edit pulse width).
Subroutines for access to LCD for Program.
uint8_t minute
minute value 0..59
void UserInterfaceLcdWriteTime(uint8_t uchour, uint8_t ucminute)
Write clock value to lcd.
void lcd_goto(uint8_t x, uint8_t y)
Go to the specified position.
void lcd_puts_P(const char *s)
Write a string from progmem of chars to the LCD.
Subroutines for UserInterfaceLcd.
uint8_t hour
hour value 0..23
LCD interface header file.
User function called by timer ISR.
void UserInterfaceLcdWriteTimeFactor(uint8_t ucfactor)
Write time factor to lcd.
fclock_t ClockGetTime(void)
Get actual time.