void UserInterfaceLcdProgramSet0(menuSet0_t subMenuSelection)
Write on LCD "PrSe0" (set time to midnight).
A struct with hour and minute.
void ClockSetTime(fclock_t newValue)
Set actual time.
void UserInterfaceLcdProgramPulseWidth(uint8_t pulseWidth)
Write on LCD "PrPub" (edit pulse width).
Subroutines for access to LCD for Program.
uint16_t ClockReadPulse(void)
Get length of pulse length in 100ms.
"00:00" alias "24:00"
minimum pulse width in 0.1s (5 = 500ms)
void ClockSetPulse(uint16_t uiPulse)
Set length of pulse length in 100ms.
User function called by timer ISR.
maximum pulse width in 0.1s (19 = 1.9s)